Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – December 2016

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – December 2016

We are delighted to present our latest arrivals:

First picture

First row (from left to right):

Theodor W. Adorno / Gershom Scholem, Der liebe Gott wohnt im Detail. Briefwechsel 1939-1969: Argentinean edition published by Eterna Cadencia, translated by Martina Fernández Polcuch & María Graciela Tellechea
Ulrich Beck, Risikogesellschaft: Greek edition published by Pedio, translated by Iraklis Oikonomou
Szilárd Borbély, Nincstelenek: Czech edition published by Odeon, translated by Robert Svoboda
Bertolt Brecht, Der Tuiroman: Italian edition published by L’orma, translated by Marco Federici Solari

Second row (from left to right):

Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Baukasten zu einer Theorie der Medien + Bewußtseins-Industrie (in one volume): Russian edition published by Ad Marginem, translated by Tatjana Zborovskaja
Daniel Martin Feige, Philosophie des Jazz: Turkish edition published by Dost, translated by Necati Aça
Max Frisch, Dramatic Works (in two volumes): Polish edition published by Adit, translated by Maciej Ganczar, Ryszard Turczyn, Sława Lisiecka, Irena Dębek, Wiesława Czyżyńska, Andżelika Metelska, Karolina Piasecka, Anna Wojnarowska-Olek, Jacek Kaduczak & Karolina Bikont
Mischa Gabowitsch, Putin kaputt!?: English edition published by Polity, translated by the author

Third row (from left to right):

Peter Handke, Der kurze Brief zum langen Abschied: Turkish edition published by Aylak Adam, translated by Oktay Değirmenci
Hermann Hesse, Demian: Spanish illustrated edition published by Alianza, translated by Genoveva Dieterich
Axel Honneth, Die Idee des Sozialismus: English edition published by Polity, translated by Joseph Ganahl
Axel Honneth, Kritik der Macht: French edition published by La Découverte, translated by Marianne Dautrey & Olivier Voirol


First row (from left to right):

Alexander Kluge, Die Lücke, die der Teufel lässt: Hebrew edition published by Pitom, translated by Noa Kol
Wolfgang Koeppen, Tauben im Gras: Greek edition published by Kritiki, translated by Vasilis Tsalis
Martina Löw, Raumsoziologie: U.S. edition published by Palgrave Macmillan, translated by Donald Goodwin
Winfried Menninghaus, Ekel: Italian edition published by Mimesis, translated by Serena Feloj

Second row (from left to right):

Alice Miller, Die Revolte des Körpers: Chinese simplex edition published by China Youth Press
Christoph Ribbat, Im Restaurant: Catalan edition published by Pòrtic, translated by Pilar Estelrich
Ralf Rothmann, Im Frühling sterben: Spanish edition published by Libros des Asteroide, translated by Carles Andreu
Ralf Rothmann, Im Frühling sterben: Catalan edition published by l’altra editorial, translated by Ramon Monton

Third row (from left to right):

Einar Schleef, Gertrud: French edition published by La Ver à Soie, translated by Marie-Luce Bonfanti & Crista Mittelsteiner
Wilhelm Schmid, Vom Glück der Freundschaft: Spanish edition published by Pre-Textos, translated by Ela Fernández-Palacíos
Gershom Scholem, Der Nihilismus als religiöses Phänomen: Italian edition published by Giuntina, translated by Corrado Badocco
Robert Walser, Der Spaziergang: Spanish anniversary edition published by Siruela, translated by Carlos Fortea


A Shadow Falls

Operation Rubicon

In the Restaurant

In the Dark

The Idea of Socialism

To Die in Spring

Correspondence 1939 - 1969

The Dispossessed

A Philosophy of Jazz

Putting Out Putin

The Body Never Lies

The Devil's Blindspot


Sociology of Space

Critique of Power

Risk Society

Short Letter, Long Farewell

Pigeons on the Grass


The Walk