Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – February 2016

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – February 2016

We are delighted to present to you our latest arrivals:

First row (from left to right):

Hans-Georg Gadamer, Wer bin ich und wer bist Du?: Slovenian edition published by Apokalipsa, translated by Andrej Božič
Alexander Kluge / Gerhard Richter, Nachricht von ruhigen Momenten: English edition published by Seagull, translated by Nathaniel McBride
Tuvia Tenenbom, I Sleep in Hitler's Room: Italian edition published by Bollati, translated by Sara Sullam
Heinz Helle, Der beruhigende Klang von explodierendem Kerosin: English edition published by Serpent's Tail, translated by Kári Driscoll
Wolfgang Streeck, Gekaufte Zeit: Chinese simplex edition published by Social Sciences Academic Press
Theodor W. Adorno, Negative Dialektik: Turkish edition published by Metis, translated by Şeyda Öztürk
Hermann Hesse, Lektüre für Minuten: Chinese complex edition published by Business Weekly

Second row (from left to right):

Ingeborg Bachmann / Paul Celan, Herzzeit: Russian edition published by Ad Marginem, translated by T. Baskakova, A. Belobratov and A. Prokop'ev
Eva Illouz, Hard-Core Romance: Italian edition published by Mimesis, translated by Riccardo Prandini
Gershom Scholem, The Messianic Idea in Judaism: French edition published by Belles Lettres, translated by Bernard Dupuy
Ralf Rothmann, Im Frühling sterben: Italian edition published by Neri Pozza, translated by Riccardo Cravero
Juri Andruchowytsch, Dvanadcjat‘ obručiv: English edition published by Spuyten Duyvil, translated by Vitaly Chernetsky
Wolfgang Bauer, Über das Meer: Polish edition published by Czarne, translated by Elžbieta Kalinowska
Wolfgang Streeck, Gekaufte Zeit: Finnish edition published by Vastapaino, translated by Mari Kukkonen

Third row (from left to right):

Gershom Scholem, Alchemie und Kabbala: Italian edition published by Studio Editoriale, translated by Marina Sartorio
Peter Sloterdijk, Du mußt dein Leben ändern: Croatian edition published by Sandorf, translated by Kiril Miladinov
Theodor W. Adorno, Kindheit in Amorbach: French edition published by Allia, translated by Marion Maurin and Antonin Wiser
Ernst Bloch, Erbschaft dieser Zeit: Italian edition published by Mimesis, translated by Laura Boella
Carlo Strenger, Zivilisierte Verachtung: Danish edition published by Gyldendal, translated by Hans Christian Fink
Nicolas Mahler, Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften: Italian edition published by Clichy, translated by Franziska Peltenburg-Brechneff
Patrick Roth, Starlite Terrace: French edition published by Le Bruit du Temps, translated by Olivier Le Lay


To Die in Spring

Civilized Disdain

Crossing the Sea


The Man Without Qualities

Dispatches from Moments of Calm

Hard-Core Romance

Buying Time

I Sleep in Hitler's Room

You Must Change Your Life

Starlite Terrace

Twelve Circles