Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – February 2015, Issue 2

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – February 2015, Issue 2

We are delighted to present to you our latest arrivals:

First row (from left to right):

Peter Sloterdijk, Scheintod im Denken: Portuguese edition published by Relogio d''Agua, translated by Carlos Leite
Jurek Becker, Jakob der Lügner: Taiwanese edition published by Yuan Liou
Jürgen Habermas, Im Sog der Technokratie: English edition published by Polity, translated by Ciaran Cronin

Second row (from left to right):

Bertolt Brecht, Political Poems (selection): Italian edition published by Einaudi, translated by Paola Barbon, Emilio Castellani, Olga Cerrato, Giorgio Cusatelli, Roberto Fertonani, Franco Fortini, Enrico Ganni, Claudio Groff, Ruth Leiser
Thomas Bernhard, Der Theatermacher: Georgian edition published by Bakur Sulakauri, translated by Maia Panjikidze
Szilárd Borbély, Nincstelenek (Die Mittellosen): French edition published by Christian Bourgois éditeur, translated by Agnès Járfás
Peter Handke, Mein Jahr in der Niemandsbucht: Turkish edition published by Aylak Adam, translated by Ayşe Selen

Third row (from left to right):

Thomas Bernhard, Immanuel Kant: Greek edition published by Kapa
Paul Celan, Mikrolithen sinds, Steinchen: Spanish edition published by Trotta, translated by José Luis Reína Palazón
Uwe Johnson, Ingrid Babendererde: Italian edition published by Keller editore, translated by Fabrizio Cambi


The Dispossessed

The Lure of Technocracy

Suspended in Thought

Jacob the Liar

My Year In No Man's Bay