Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – July 2016

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – July 2016

We are delighted to present our latest arrivals:

First row (from left to right):

Hans Georg Gadamer, Gedicht und Gespräch: Spanish edition published by Gedisa, translated by Daniel Najmías and Juan Navarro
Sibylle Lewitscharoff, Blumenberg: Chinese simplex edition published by Shanghai Translation Publishing House
Christoph Hein, Weiskerns Nachlass: French edition published by Métailié, translated by Nicole Bary
Christoph Hein, Frau Paula Trousseau: French paperback edition published by Métailié, translated by Nicole Bary
Ralf Rothmann, Im Frühling sterben: Polish edition published by W.A.B./Grupa Wydawnicza Foksal, translated by Aldona Zaniewska
Serhij Zhadan, Anarchy in the UKR: French edition published by Noir sur Blanc, translated by Iryna Dmytrychyn

Second row (from left to right):

Alexander Kluge, Geschichten vom Kino: Turkish edition published by Lemis, translated by Haluk Ulusan
Bertolt Brecht, Me-ti. Buch der Verwendlungen: English edition published by Bloomsbury, translated by Antony Tatlow
Szilárd Borbély, Nincstelenek: Italian edition published by Marsilio, translated by Mariarosaria Sciglitano
Erdmut Wizisla, Benjamin und Brecht: English edition pulished by Verso, translated by Christine Shuttleworth
Alexander Kluge / Gerhard Richter, Nachricht von ruhigen Momenten: Chinese simplex edition published by Beijing Imaginist Time Culture, translated by Liao Xun
Alexander Kluge / Gerhard Richter, Dezember: Chinese simplex edition published by Beijing Imaginist Time Culture, translated by Jian Xinyi

Third row (from left to right):

Thomas Bernhard, Frost: Slovenian edition published by Beletrina, translated by Stefan Vevar
Hans Blumenberg, Präfiguration: French edition published by Seuil, translated by Jean-Louis Schlegel
Gershom Scholem, Von Berlin nach Jerusalem: Chinese edition by Lijiang
Wolfgang Streeck, Gekaufte Zeit: Turkish edition published by Koc University Press, translated by Kerem Kabadayi
Siegfried Kracauer, Die Angestellten + Der Detektiv-Roman (in one volume): Bulgarian edition published by Agata-A, translated by Stilian Yotov
Niklas Luhmann, Die Religion der Gesellschaft: Japanese edition published by Hosei University Press, translated by Toru Hijikata, Takemitsu Morikawa,Tomoto Watarai and Mariko Hatanaka


Benjamin and Brecht - Thinking in Extremes

To Die in Spring

The Dispossessed


Dispatches from Moments of Calm

Buying Time


Weiskern's Legacy

The Detective Novel

Ms. Paula Trousseau

Cinema Stories

Anarchy in the UKR

Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brecht

A Systems Theory of Religion

From Berlin to Jerusalem

The Salaried Masses