Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – October 2020

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – October 2020

We are delighted to present to you our latest arrivals:

First row (from left to right):

Theodor W. Adorno / Siegfried Kracauer, Briefwechsel: English edition published by Polity, translated by Susan Reynolds and Michael Winkler
Peter Sloterdijk, Essays (selection): Spanish edition published by Godot, translated by Nicole Narberbury
Siegfried Kracauer, Der Detektiv-Roman: Turkish edition published by Metis, translated by Dilman Muradoglu
Serhij Zhadan, Гімн демократичної молоді (dramatic version): French edition published by L’Espace d’un instant, translated by Iryna Dmytrychyn
Thomas Bernhard, Eisen: Italian edition published by Crocetti, translated by Samir Thabet
Peter Handke, Der kurze Brief zum langen Abschied: Lithuanian edition published by Alma Littera, translated by Rūta Jonynaitė

Second row (from left to right):

Alice Miller, Dein gerettetes Leben: Brazilian Portuguese edition published by Harold Wallner, translated by Eurides Avance de Souza
Clemens J. Setz, Indigo: Croatian edition published by Hena, translated by Dalibor Joler
Benjamín Labatut, Un verdor terrible: UK edition published by Pushkin, translated by Adrian Nathan West
Peter Handke, Die Obstdiebin oder Einfache Fahrt ins Landesinnere: Finnish edition published by Lurra, translated by Arja Rinnekangas
Peter Handke, Die Angst des Tormanns beim Elfmeter: Chinese complex edition published by Ecus

Third row (from left to right):

Esther Kinsky, Hain: US sublicense published by Transit, translated by Caroline Schmidt
Peter Handke, Essays (selection): Serbian edition published by Prometej
Peter Sloterdijk, Streß und Freiheit: Spanish edition published by Godot, translated by Paula Kuffer
Peter Handke, Wunschloses Unglück: Chinese complex edition published by Ecus
Simone Buchholz, Beton Rouge: Finnish edition published by Huippu, translated by Anne Kilpi
Peter Handke, In einer dunklen Nacht ging ich aus meinem stillen Haus: Lithuanian edition published by Alma Littera, translated by Laurynas Katkus


When We Cease to Understand the World


The Fruit Thief or A simple Trip into the Interior

Beton Rouge


Stress and Freedom

The Detective Novel

Correspondence 1923-1966

Free from Lies

Democratic Youth Anthem

On a Dark Night I Left My Silent House

A Sorrow Beyond Dreams

Short Letter, Long Farewell

The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick