Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – April 2014, Issue 2

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – April 2014, Issue 2

We are delighted to present our latest arrivals:

This time we will try it clockwise:

12 o'clock: Daniel Kehlmann, Ich und Kaminski: Hebrew edition published by Hakibbutz Hameuchad
2 o'clock: Max Frisch, Wilhelm Tell für die Schule: French edition published by Héros-Limite
4 o'clock: Hartmut Rosa, Weltbeziehungen im Zeitalter der Beschleunigung: Swedish edition published by Daidalos
6 o'clock: Sibylle Lewitscharoff, Blumenberg: French edition published by Les Belles Lettres
8 o'clock: Hans Blumenberg, Löwen: French edition published by Les Belles Lettres
10 o'clock: Robert Walser, Der Räuber: French special paperback edition published by Gallimard/L‘Imaginaire
And right in the middle: Marjana Gaponenko, Wer ist Martha?: French edition published by Fayard


Who is Martha?

Global Relationships in the Age of Acceleration


Me and Kaminski

The Robber