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Lookalikes / Lookalikes
Veteran literary DJ and po-mo quote-bandit, Thomas Meinecke, gets his come-uppance in his latest book: the text swallows up the author whole and spits him out again as a character in his own novel.

You see them promenading up and down the Königsallee in the posh end of Düsseldorf: Josephine Baker, Serge Gainsbourg, Marlon Brando, Elvis Presley, Justin Timberlake, Shakira (and all the rest of them). These people are all lookalikes and their business is to make a profit...
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Veteran literary DJ and po-mo quote-bandit, Thomas Meinecke, gets his come-uppance in his latest book: the text swallows up the author whole and spits him out again as a character in his own novel.

You see them promenading up and down the Königsallee in the posh end of Düsseldorf: Josephine Baker, Serge Gainsbourg, Marlon Brando, Elvis Presley, Justin Timberlake, Shakira (and all the rest of them). These people are all lookalikes and their business is to make a profit from their physical resemblance to these big-name celebrities. They read books (not just about their idols) and study the films of the French New Wave in order to see how to cast the female body in an artistic light; they have affairs (sometimes with each other); the atmosphere is heavily charged, communication happens mostly via social media networks and in the end no-one is sure who’s who any more.

»The rhythm of the language pulls you forward, and like it or not you find yourself running after it, like a dog straining at the leash.« Elfriede Jelinek

»The rhythm of the language pulls you forward, and like it or not you find yourself running after it, like a dog straining at the leash.« Elfriede Jelinek

2011, 393 pages

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Born in Hamburg in 1955, Meinecke has lived in a village in Upper Bavaria since 1994. Apart from being an author, he plays in the band FSK and is a radio DJ.

Born in Hamburg in 1955, Meinecke has lived in a village in Upper Bavaria since 1994. Apart from being an author, he plays in the band FSK and is...


Year of Publication: 2016
Thomas MeineckeYear of Publication: 2016

A shared apartment in Frankfurt/Main: Eva (fashion editor, art historian, »princess«), Genoveva (self-taught sexologist, research focus: autogynephilia and selfie culture) and Venus (androgynous model, cultural scientist, research focus: colonies of German Vormärz-emigrants in Texas, and particularly the history of the libertarian commune at the Llano river named after Bettina von...

Year of Publication: 2008
Thomas MeineckeYear of Publication: 2008
Can erotic convergence be accomplished along asymptotic lines? Lothar is researching the collaborative studies conducted by the theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar and his legendary Amica, the physician and mystic Adrienne von Speyr.

Convinced that he is on the track of an incredible drama of love, Lothar, a student who swapped drama for Catholic theology together with sexual...

Pale Blue
Year of Publication: 2001
Thomas MeineckeYear of Publication: 2001
What is a European, African, American, a Jew? What consequences does the transatlantic slave trade have for today’s techno music? What – if anything – can techno music mean? And...
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English world rights (Amazon Crossing)

Year of Publication: 1998
Thomas MeineckeYear of Publication: 1998
»This innovative novel from German author Thomas Meinecke takes a thought-provoking look at the role of gender in the social, artistic, and intellectual pursuits of a group of inquisitive university...
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English world rights (Amazon Crossing)