Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – October & November 2016

Beitrag zu Just published: Suhrkamp Authors Around the World – October & November 2016

We are delighted to present our latest arrivals:

First picture:

First row (from left to right):

Theodor W. Adorno / Max Horkheimer, Briefwechsel 1927-1969 (4 volumes): French edition published by Klincksieck, translated by Didier Renault & Éliane Kaufholz-Messmer
Wolfgang Bauer, Über das Meer: Croatian edition published by Sandorf, translated by Nenad Popović
Thomas Bernhard / Nicolas Mahler, Alte Meister. Graphic Novel: Polish edition published by Prószyński i S-ka / Wydawnictwo Komiksowe, translated by Marek Kedzierski
Thomas Bernhard, Der Schein trügt + Ritter, Dene, Voss + Einfach kompliziert (in one volume): Italian edition published by Einaudi, translated by Roberto Menin, Eugenio Bernardi & Umberto Gandini
Georg W. Bertram, Kunst als menschliche Praxis: Spanish edition published by Comares, translated by José Francisco Zúñiga García

Second row (from left to right):

Karl-Heinrich Bette, Systemtheorie und Sport: Korean edition published by Theorie Publishing
Szilárd Borbély, Nincstelenek: Polish edition published by Jagiellonian University Press, translated by Karolina Wilamowska
Szilárd Borbély, Nincstelenek: U.S. edition published by HarperCollins, translated by Ottilie Mulzet
Oswald Egger, Texts (selection): French edition published by Grèges, translated by Jean-René Lassalle
Max Frisch, Aus dem Berliner Journal: Italian edition published by Amando Dadò, translated by Mattia Mantovani
Durs Grünbein, Poems (selection): Japanese edition published by Shichosha

Third row (from left to right):

Jürgen Habermas, Im Sog der Technokratie: Spanish edition published by Trotta, translated by David Hereza Modrego & Fernando García Mendívil
Michael Hampe, Die Lehren der Philosophie: Russian edition published by Logos, translated by Oleg V. Nikiforov
Peter Handke, Die schönen Tage von Aranjuez: Norwegian edition published by Samlaget, translated by Jon Fosse
Hermann Hesse / Thomas Mann, Der Briefwechsel: U.S. edition published by Jorge Pinto Books, translated by Ralph Manheim
Wolfgang Hildesheimer, Lieblose Legenden: Estonian edition published by Loomingu Raamatukogu, translated by Liina Uudelt
Axel Honneth, Die Idee des Sozialismus: Slovenian edition published by Krtina, translated by Mojca Dobnikar

First row (from left to right):

Daniel Kehlmann, Ich und Kaminski: Bulgarian edition published by Colibri, translated by Ljubomir Iliev
Stefan Kühl, Ganz normale Organisationen: English edition published by Polity, translated by Jessica Spengler
Alice Miller, Das Drama des begabten Kindes und die Suche nach dem wahren Selbst: Spanish edition published by Tusquets, translated by Juan José del Solar
Andreas Pflüger, Endgültig: Spanish edition published by Suma de Letras, translated by Laura Manero Jiménez
Christoph Ribbat, Im Restaurant: Italian edition published by Marsilio, translated by Marina Pugliano & Valentina Tortelli

Second row (from left to right):

Christoph Ribbat, Im Restaurant: Czech edition published by Prostor, translated by Daniela Petříčková
Ralf Rothmann, Im Frühling sterben: French edition published by Denoël, translated by Laurence Courtois
Wilhelm Schmid, Gelassenheit: French edition published by Piranha, translated by Monique Rival
Wilhelm Schmid, Gelassenheit: Swedish edition published by Lind & Co., translated by Peter Handberg
Werner Schmidt, Peter Weiss: Swedish edition published by Tankekraft, translated by the author
Lutz Seiler, Poems (selection): Swedish edition published by Faethon, translated by Ludvig Berggren

Third row (from left to right):

Peter Sloterdijk, Die schrecklichen Kinder der Neuzeit: French edition published by Payot, translated by Olivier Mannoni
Peter Sloterdijk, Sphären I. Blasen: Brazilian Portuguese edition published by Estação Liberdade, translated by José Oscar de Almeida Marques
Peter Sloterdijk, Streß und Freiheit: Catalan edition published by Arcadia, translated by Raül Garrigasait
Josef Winkler, Friedhof der bitteren Orangen: U.S. edition published by Contra Mundum, translated by Adrian Nathan West
Serhij Zhadan, Ворошиловград: Latvian edition published by Jāņa Rozes apgāds, translated by Māra Poļakova


Peter Weiss

In the Restaurant

In the Dark

The Idea of Socialism

To Die in Spring

The Dispossessed

Crossing the Sea

Ordinary Organizations

Art as Human Practice

The Teachings of Philosophy

Modernity’s Enfants Terribles

What We Gain as We Grow Older

From the Berlin Journal

The Lure of Technocracy

The Beautiful Days of Aranjuez

Old Masters

Stress and Freedom


Me and Kaminski

Spheres I